Generous donation from Rautomead Limited
Rautomead present PATCH with a cheque for £1200 following outstanding fundraising efforts.
On 16th December PATCH received a very generous donation of £1200 from Rautomead Limited.
The cheque was accepted by the Directors of PATCH at Rautomead’s Christmas Jumper Day celebration in their Dundee premises. Joyce Ramsay, Tracy Anderson, Nicola Moir and Jan Barclay organized a tuck shop, a bake day and a guess the winner competition.
Rautomead have faithfully supported the charity from it’s earliest days, and indeed supported the Acute Palliative Care Unit in Ninewells Tayside – the original inspiration for PATCH.
Knowing that what we do is so enthusiastically supported by the company and has been for such a long time, makes a huge difference. The presentation marks the end of an exceptionally good year for this relatively new charity.
Thank you Rautomead – for your kindness.